DISCOVER bodytalk
“Target the root cause of your condition to bring about healing that lasts. Invest in your wellness for the long-run. No bandaid cures here.
No diagnoses, no pills, just a correction at a fundamental level. Discover your body’s capacity for self-correction and self-healing!”
BodyTalk sessions are like snowflakes. No two are ever the same. Each session is completely tailored to your individual need.
For example, if 100 people seek my help for back pain, 100 completely different sessions will be revealed.
Your body has an innate intelligence, a wisdom that knows exactly what you need to heal. It is this wisdom that directs us to the root cause of the ailments you experience.
BodyTalk taps into your body's innate intelligence using muscle checking techniques, whereby your body gives a yes/no response to a sequence of questioning. Your body's answers to these questions will tell us what factors are underlying your condition...
Physiological and anatomical imbalances
Genetic disposition
Emotional trauma
Energetic disharmony
Environmental stressors
Focussing the brain on the underlying cause of your condition allows the body to heal itself. Correction within the mind, lying down a new neural pathway, allows for correction within the body. There are no limits to your body's self-healing potential.
Sessions are available in the comfort of your own home…
If any of these complaints describe you, BodyTalk can help...
Member of the International BodyTalk Association - practitioners in over 50 countries worldwide
Chronic pain / pain management
Menopause and PMS
Pregnancy and post-natal support - fertility, postpartum depression, fatigue, etc.
Sports injuries
Mental disharmony - depression, anxiety, relief from painful memories, addressing fears and phobias, general stress, etc.
Allergies and intolerances
Digestive disorders
Transpersonal / Existential difficulties
Hormone balancing
Children's developmental delays and learning difficulties
Improve energy meridian flow
Common cold and flu
Relationship and other environmental triggers
Nerve repair
Sexual dysfunction
And much more!